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Follow Steven Pinker on a psychological journey that unearths truths behind our own complex minds and shatters established fallacies that often bear the burden of controversy.
In this chapter, Steven delves into the history of psychological experiments and reveals new findings that help further shape our understanding of the world around us.
Solidify your understanding of auditory scene analysis, a proposed model coined by psychologist Albert Bregman, for the basis of auditory perception.
In this chapter, Steven talks about how the brain makes sense of the auditory world, the principles of auditory scene analysis and its close relationship to visual scene analysis, the physics of sound, and much more.
Gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the human mind.
In this chapter, Steven delves into the concept of mental imagery and explains how this phenomenon appears in one's mind.
Learn how human vision works.
In this chapter, Steven explains the concept of human visual attention and its limitations, including the laws of optics and projection, and the notion of the mind’s eye.
Humans use language to convey meaning, to share ideas, and to win friends and influence people.
In this chapter, Steven explores how children acquire language at a young age, the intelligence gap between children and artificial intelligence and Noam Chomsky’s controversial theory of language.
Learn about the critical periods in life that accelerate growth and learning.
In this chapter, Steven delves into the findings of why children and teenagers grasp the syntax and semantics of language more easily than adults.
Learn about the psychological phenomenon called word magic.
In this chapter, Steven explains the impact of language, the evolution of absurdities and taboo language as well as the difference between monolingual and bilingual children.
Explore the essence of language and how meaning is generated from the spoken word.
In this chapter, Steven explores the concept of meaning in relation to language, the nature of semantics and the elements of meaning that matter when choosing the right words to say.
Learn about how the algorithms of the brain and our neurological structures form rules for language.
In this chapter, Steven delves into memorization, mental grammar, and the circuitry of our brain that drives both the rules and irregularities of language.
EPISODE 10 : How Language Influences Your Brain
Discover the main components of language that work together to create meaningful communication between people.
In this chapter, Steven talks about the different components of language and where to find these distinctions in the human brain and how Broca's aphasia and other impairments affect one’s ability to speak.
EPISODE 11 : Do innuendos help preserve relationships?
The most intricate and interesting aspect of language is a human being’s ability to read between the lines. In this chapter, Stephen talks about the advantages and disadvantages of using innuendo and the psychology behind it.
EPISODE 12 : Common knowledge and its role in one’s life
The role of common knowledge in an individual’s social life.
In this chapter, Steven explains the concept of common knowledge and how it alters the relationship model between humans, common knowledge in relation to seduction, innuendos and euphemism, and the ability of language to generate common knowledge.
EPISODE 13 : Assertions of Charitability
Gain a deeper understanding of the notion of generosity.
In this chapter, Steven speaks about the great medieval Jewish philosopher, Moses Maimonides and his concept of the eight levels of charitable giving, common knowledge and its impact on charitable judgement, as well as the benefit of anonymity in charitable donations.
EPISODE 14 : Bystander Apathy
Understand the psychological premise of bystander apathy. In this chapter, Steven talks about how common knowledge procures lethal inaction among humans, which serves as a key to many mysteries of social life.
EPISODE 15 : Evolutionary Psychology
The totality of all of our physical and psychological traits can be attributed to evolution. In this chapter, Steven dives into our own adaptabilities throughout evolution as well as the evolutionary psychology, or lack thereof, behind sociality, dreams, and music.
EPISODE 16 : Music
Music is the labyrinth that connects all cultures. In this chapter, Steven delves into the history of music and explains how it can be mathematically divided between monotony and chaos to sound harmonious and pleasurable to our ears.
EPISODE 17 : Genetics
The great debate of Nature Vs. Nurture has been at the forefront of psychological debate since the Ancient Greeks discussed the root of personality traits. In this chapter, Steven talks about how genetics plays a strong role in the personality and make up of a person and deconstructs the fallacy that nurture is more impactful in how we act.
EPISODE 18 : The Blank Slate
The ultimate hindrance to scientific and psychological research are moral expectations. In this chapter, Steven talks about his controversial book, The Blank Slate, and the many facets of human nature including fear, morality, and finding meaning in life.
EPISODE 19 : The History of Violence
Learn about the history of violence and how its trajectory has changed over the past two millennia. In this chapter, Steven delves into good and evil aspects of human nature and how civil and societal advancements have impacted the frequency of violence.
EPISODE 20 : Enlightenment
The last 50 years have seen unprecedented improvements in poverty, hunger, violence, medicine, and literacy. In this chapter. Steven talks about not only why this news flies under the radar, but more importantly, how we have progressed to this point as a species.
EPISODE 1 : The Nature of Philosophy
Understand the fundamentals of philosophy.
In this chapter, Rebecca introduces the concept of philosophy, reconciles the popular and the academic sense of philosophy, discusses the academic discipline of philosophy and much more.
EPISODE 2 : The Historical Roots of Philosophy
Go back in time while enhancing your knowledge of the history of western philosophy and religion. In this chapter, Rebecca explores the origin of western philosophy, the discipline of philosophy in the ancient Greek world, and the widespread influence of the ‘Axial Age’ - a significant period in ancient times that gave birth to Greek philosophy and all of the world's religions and much more.
EPISODE 3 : The Pre-Socratics and the Distinction Between Appearance and Reality
Discover the philosophies of some of the greatest ancient thinkers that have graced the Earth.
In this chapter, Rebecca introduces ancient philosophers and the questions they pondered, the concept of natural order, pre-socratic philosophers and their hypotheses and much more.
EPISODE 4 : The Socratic Method
Brush up on your knowledge of Socrates and his contribution to Western philosophy.
In this chapter, Rebecca speaks on the life of Socrates in Athens, the Socratic method, and his vast influence on Western philosophy.
EPISODE 5 : Socrates at Work
The euthyphro argument.
Does God love morally right actions such as being charitable towards the most vulnerable among us because these actions are morally right, or are these actions morally right for no other reason than that God loves the person? These are just a few of the questions explored in the euthyphro argument.
In this chapter, Rebecca explains the euthyphro argument and the Socratic dialogues regarding the notion of piety and morality.
EPISODE 6 : Plato and Platonism
Uncover Plato’s contribution to the different domains of philosophy.
In this chapter, Rebecca explains the foundations of platonism and how he mapped out the vast landscape of philosophy by zeroing in on the definitive questions of each domain.
EPISODE 7 : Platonism and Mathematics
Is Mathematics the key to understanding the word around us?
According to Plato, mathematics is the key to understanding the nature of reality; however, not all philosophers view mathematics this way. In this chapter, Rebecca explains the platonic view of mathematics as well as its competing view known as formalism, according to which mathematics can be thought of as a kind of human invented game.
EPISODE 8 : Aristotle on The Question of Appearance versus Reality
The opposing philosophies of Aristotle and Plato.
Although Aristotle and Plato dominated Western philosophy for centuries, they also presented, even into our own time, two quite opposed orientations. In this chapter, Rebecca explains Aristotle and Plato’s opposing philosophical orientations around the concept of God, which is represented in the famous painting at the School of Athens by the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael.
EPISODE 9 : Epistemology
Brush up on your understanding of epistemology.
In this chapter, Rebecca talks about the concept of epistemological claims, the emergence of epistemology as the preeminent preoccupation of philosophy in the early modern age, and the teachings of Martin Luther.
EPISODE 10 : What is Knowledge?
How does one define knowledge?
In this chapter, Rebecca explores Plato’s definition of knowledge and relevant counterexamples, the three foundations of knowledge, and the complexity behind belief and truth.
EPISODE 11 : The Cartesian Demands of Justification
Take a deep dive into the nature of belief.
In this chapter, Rebecca highlights the fundamental questions of epistemology, the definition of indexical propositions and French philosopher, René Descartes contribution to epistemology with his revered ‘I am’ proposition.
EPISODE 12 : Cartesian Consequences
Enhance your knowledge on René Descartes ontological argument for God's existence.
In this chapter, Rebecca explains the philosophical battle behind empiricism versus rationalism and Descartes’ proposition on God.
EPISODE 13 : Baruch Spinoza: The Man Who Made Every Claim for Reason That Has Ever Been Made
Spinoza’s contribution to philosophy.
Baruch Spinoza was a seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher and one of the early thinkers of the enlightenment movement who tried to reinvent religion. In this chapter, Rebecca speaks about the life of Spinoza and his contribution to philosophy, including his proposition on the laws of logic and the nature of God.
EPISODE 14 : David Hume’s Famous Wrench
The Enlightenment was an intellectual, ethical, and political movement that swept across much of Western Europe in the 18th century. In this chapter, Rebecca explains the enlightenment and the key philosophers who contributed to this movement, like Scottish philosopher David Hume, whose propositions inspired that of Immanuel Kant.
EPISODE 15 : Metaphysics, Naturalism, and Scientism
Gain a deeper understanding of Metaphysics, Naturalism, and Scientism.
In this chapter, Rebecca teaches the foundations of metaphysics, the difference between naturalism and scientism, as well as the philosophical issues behind adopting naturalism.
EPISODE 16 : The Hard Problem of Consciousness
Explore David Chalmers’ hard problem of consciousness.
‘The hard problem of consciousness,' was dubbed by contemporary philosopher David Chalmers in order to delineate and dramatize this very problem. In this chapter, Rebecca explores the hard problem of consciousness, metaphysics and what we are in relation to the rest of reality, and the hard problem of matter.
EPISODE 17 : Personal Identity
Explore Descartes’ line of philosophical thinking.
René Descartes has had a profound impact on philosophical views of self and human existence. In this chapter, Rebecca explains Descartes’ concept of the self, what constitutes identity of the body and the identity of the personal self.
EPISODE 18 : The Dilemma of Free Will
Understand the concept of the two horns of a dilemma.
Facing a choice between two equally undesirable choices is known as the two horns of a dilemma. In this chapter, Rebecca provides a deeper understanding of the two horns of a dilemma concept, psychopaths and the absence of their regretful emotions, and the notion of free will.
EPISODE 19 : The Is-Ought Gap
Enhance your understanding on the metaphysics of you.
In this chapter, Rebecca explores the concept of human dignity and its relation to human existence, as well as the notion of the is-ought gap coined by David Hume
EPISODE 20 : Moral Theories and Epistemic Modesty
Utilitarianism and Kantianism.
There are two competing moral theories in terms of which contemporary moral theorists argue: utilitarianism and Kantianism. In this chapter, Rebecca explains the difference between utilitarianism and Kantianism in relation to ethical standards of an action, Kant’s respect formulation, and a human’s moral worth in connection with utilitarianism and Kantianism.
EPISODE 1 : Maths: How It All Started
Discover the genesis of mathematics and what it looked like in the ancient world.
In this chapter, let Adam take you on a journey through Africa while painting a picture of prehistoric mathematics.
EPISODE 2 : What is the Birthday Paradox?
Mathematics underpins so many aspects of our lives, sometimes without us even realising. In this chapter, Adam explores the role mathematics plays in everyday life, counterintuitive mathematics, and the mathematics of probability.
EPISODE 3 : The Maths Behind Big Numbers
Increase your confidence with incredibly large numbers. In this chapter, Adam demystifies the complexity behind large numbers by sharing the benefits of index notation along with some practical applications.
EPISODE 4 : How Big Is Graham’s Number?
Prepare to be amazed by the incredible work of Ronald Graham.
In this chapter, Adam explores mind-blowingly large numbers, how American mathematician Ronald Graham came up with the famous ‘Graham’s number’, and much more.
EPISODE 5 : The Curious Case of Number 01
Refresh your understanding of prime and composite numbers.
In this chapter, Adam explains the difference between prime and composite numbers and the curious case of the number 1.
EPISODE 6 : Infinity - What Does It Mean, Really?
According to Adam, infinity is one of mathematics' deepest and most beautiful concepts.
In this chapter, Adam discusses infinity’s role in human thought and the divine, demystifies the confusion surrounding the concept of infinity, as well as shares famous mathematical observations that assist in conceptualizing infinity.
EPISODE 7 : Breaking Down The Math Behind COVID-19
Discover what the Covid-19 pandemic looks like through the eyes of a mathematician.
In this chapter, Adam talks about the mathematics that underpins Covid-19, the mathematics behind exponential growth and how this concept translates to the real world.
EPISODE 8 : What The Hell Is Group Theory?
Enter the fascinating world of group theory.
In this chapter, Adam discusses the ‘monster group’, geometric shapes, different types of symmetries and much more.
EPISODE 9 : 7 Famous Mathematical Ideas That Are Still Unresolved
Gain a unique insight into the mysterious world of numbers.
In this chapter, Adam discusses mysteries behind unsolved mathematical problems, which, if solved could land a sharp thinker one million dollars
EPISODE 10 : This MIND-BLOWING Math Trick Will amaze You!
Ready to have your brain explode using nothing but a deck of cards? In this chapter, Adam discusses basic calculations that lead to a Big Number and leaves you with a fantastic party trick guaranteed to blow anyone's mind.